Marshall County’s Barn Quilt Trail connects our heritage with our local businesses. Visit our barn quilt locations to win prizes and stop into our businesses for added deals and discounts. Marshall County’s Barn Quilt Trail was the first of its kind in Indiana. The trail is our way of celebrating the history of agriculture, the tradition of quilting, the community’s passion for art, Hoosier Hospitality and of course, community pride.
Connecting the communities throughout Marshall County, the Barn Quilt Trail features a series of large murals painted in a variety of quilt patterns on barns, business and public spaces, like in our downtown areas. There are no two quilts that are alike and they range from 4×4 to 8×8 in size. Our barn quilts come in a variety of colors and are hand painted on plywood with a sturdy handmade wood frame. Have fun exploring!

Arrow Crown
Arrow Crown is a 8×8 Barn Quilt that is located on the north side of the north barn.

Basket Collection Quilt
This 6’x6′ barn quilt is mounted on a post and beam barn and brings a vibrant atmostphere to the countryside of Marshall County.

Black Eyed Susan
This barn quilt is 8’x8′ and can be located on the family’s barn. It represents a charming flower that likes to grow in gardens and meadows.

Blazing Star
This 8’x8′ barn quilt that is located on large red barn forms a core of star blocks.

Blueberry Patch
This barn quilt was designed by local artists from Heartland Artist Gallery located in downtown Plymouth. The design honors the history of blueberry farm in Marshall county.

This 8’x8′ barn quilt is located on the family’s historic barn.

Boys in Blue
This quilt is an orginal design created and painted by the location owners in honor of the men and women that served as well as those that conitnue to serve in the United States Air Force.

Broken Heart
This barn quilt is 8’x8′ and can be located on the family farm in the southeast corner of Marshall County.

Carpenter Square
This 8’x8′ barn quilt is also known as “Wheel Block” and is one of the fifteen escape patterns that were once used in the Underground Railroad.

Corn & Beans
This quilt is a 8’x8′ barn quilt that is located on the family barn. It was created to honor the lifetime of farming on the family farm.

Cowboy Star
Cowboy Star is a 8×8 Barn Quilt that can be found on the front of the Barn facing Iris Road.

Crazy Quilt
Crazy Quilt is a 4×4 Barn Quilt located on the front of the metal barn facing the road.

Crow’s Nest
This 4’x4′ barn quilt was the first quilt on the Marshall County Barn Quilt Trail.

Dora’s Quilt
Dora’s Quilt, a 8×8 Barn Quilt, can be located on the north side of the bank barn, viewable from King Road.

Double Irish Chain
Double Irish Chain, a 8×8 Barn Quilt, can be located on the southwest corner of the barn.

Double Wedding Ring
The 4’x4′ Double Wedding Ring barn quilt was picked to showcase the owner’s favorite quilt block pattern.

Dresden Plate
Dresden Plate is a 8×8 Barn Quilt that can be found on the barn.

Eight Point Star
Eight Point Star is a 4’x4′ quilt that is mounted in the yard and not on a structure.

Emily’s Choice
On the north side of the yellow barn, you will find this 4’x4′ barn quilt.

Farmer’s Daughter
Located on the family barn, this 4’x4′ quilt block was designed by Marty Fred of Winterset, Iow in honor of her daughter Emily’s graduation from high school in 1993.

Feathered Star
This 4’x4′ barn quilt is located on the family historic barn.

Freedom Quilt
The 8×8 Freedom Quilt can be located on the family’s barn.

Friendship Quilt
Friendship quilt is a 8’x8′ barn quilt located on the east side of Laurie Sutter’s State Farm Insurance on Jefferson St in Plymouth.

Garden by Liz
This quilt mural is very different the from our typical barn quilt, located in historic Culver, this beautiful mural respresents the love of flowers and the happiness they provide.

Gentleman’s Fancy
Gentleman’s Fancy, a 8×8 Barn Quilt, is located on the barn.

Gone Fishin’
Gone Fishin’ is a 4×4 Barn Quilt that can be located on the 2nd garage under the window.

Goose in the Pond
A 8×8 Barn Quilt, Goose in the Pond, can be located on the north side of the farm facing 20th Road.

Grandmother’s Flower Garden
One of the original barn quilts to the trail in 2009, this 4’x4′ pattern showcases a honeycomb pattern located on the family farm.

Gristmill is a 4×4 Barn Quilt that can be found on posts behind the address rock.

Homespun Hoosier Hospitality
This original design by local artists was created to honor Indiana’s Bicenntennial in 2016. The barn quilt has an 8’x8′ barn wuilt that showcases the United States Flag and a 4’x4′ barn quilt inset in the 8’x8′ one that showcases the Indiana State Flag. This quilt is located on the Marshall County Museum.

Honey Bee
Honey Bee is an 8×8 Barn Quilt that can be located on the east side of the barn and can be viewed from the highway.

Indianapolis Farmer
Indianapolis Farmer is a 8×8 Barn Quilt that is located on the long side of the red barn that is facing Muckshaw Road.

Jack’s Memories
Jack’s Memories is a 4×4 Barn Quilt that can be located on the south end of the garage.

Jane’s Choice
Jane’s Choice is 4’x4′ barn quilt that is located on the family property close to their greenhouse.

Jubilation is a 8×8 Barn Quilt that is located on the west side of the barn along Cedar Road.

Lincoln Highway
Lincoln Highway, a 8×8 Barn Quilt, can be located on the east side of the bank barn, viewable from Lincoln Highway.

Log Cabin
Log Cabin is a 4’x’4 quilt that can be located on the locations garage peak.

Lombardy Lily
Lombardy Lily is a 8’x8′ barn quilt that was picked by the properties orginal owner who found the patter in the newspaper and fell in love with it.

Lynn Acre
Lynn Acre is a 8×8 Barn Quilt that can be located on the end of the barn.

Main Street USA
This 8’x8′ quilt is mounted on City Hall in Plymouth showcasing the partnership and collaboration of the merchants, businesses and attractions.

MC Community Foundation
This 8’x8’ barn quilt showcases the MC Community Foundation logo on one of the Marshall County Hoosier Homesteads. In 2009, the MC Community Foundation was a founding sponsor and with their sponsorship, the trail was launched and has turned into a major tourist attraction over the years within Marshall County.

Menominee’s Blanket
This quilt is a 8’x8’ barn quilt named after Chief Menominee, a Potawatomi Indian and religious leader whose village on Twin Lakes was a gathering place for the Potawatomi Indians.

MoJo is a 4×4 Barn Quilt that can be located on the garage.

Moontree Praire & Ecology
This barn quilt is a mural that can be found mounted on posts on Moon Tree Studios property. Moon Tree Studios is a non-profit ministry of the Poor Handmaid of Jesus Christ and its mission is to explore the interconnectedness of art, nature and the spirit within.

Morrison Homestead
Morrison Homestead is a 8×8 Barn Quilt that is found on the front of the barn facing State Road 17.

North Star
North Star is a 4’x4’ is a 4’x4’ barn quilt that can be located on the family property’s barn.

Northern Star
This 4’x4’ barn quilt can be found on the family property.

Olympic London 2012
Olympic London 2012 can be located on the family barn and was a pattern picked in honor of their daughter who participated in the 2012 Olympics.

Panthera Leo
Panthera Leo is a 4×4 Barn Quilt that can be located on the barn in the backyard.

Patriotic Pinwheel
This 4’x4’ barn quilt can be found on the family’s barn.

Paws is located on Washington Discovery Academy and the design was created by one of the school’s students.

Pine Forest
Pine Forest is a 4×6 Barn Quilt that can be found above the garage door.

Pink Ladies
Pink Ladies a 4’x4′ barn quilt that is located in the northwest corner of Marshall County.

Poor Handmaid Heritage Quilt
This 8’x8’ barn quilt is located on the Clare House and is an original design created by the Sisters of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ.

Pride of Bourbon
Pride of Bourbon is a 4×4 Barn Quilt that can be located on the corner of Downtown Bourbon.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle are three Barn Quilts that can be found on the east side of the warehouse at the Marshall County Recycle Depot.

Seas the Day
Seas the Day is a 8×8 Barn quilt that is located on The Lakhouse Grille restaurant.

Spirit of ’76
This 8’x8’ barn quilt is an original quilt design created by a local artist to celebrate American History of 1776.

Star of Bethlethem
Star of Bethlehem is a 4×4 Barn Quilt that is located on the west side of the house.

Star of the Fair
Star of the Fair is a 8×8 Barn Quilt that can be located on the weside of the barn facing U.S. 31.

Star of the Morning
Star of the Morning is a 8×8 Barn Quilt that can be located on the east side of the barn.

Star Struck
Star Struck is located on a small family shed and viewable from King Road in Plymouth.

Starry Path
Starry Path is a 8×8 barn Quilt that can be found on the east side of the barn.

Stars & Stripes
This 4’x4’ barn quilt can be found nestled in the Southwest corner of Marshall County.

Summer Star Flower
Summer Star Flower is a 4×4 Barn Quilt that will be found on the family barn.

Summer Sun
This eight foot by eight foot barn quilt is located in Centennial Park in Plymouth, this quilt was designed and painted by the staff of the Plymouth Parks Department. It is to welcome summer sun all year round.

Swedish Quilt
This quilt is mounted on posts and celebrates ones faith.

Sweet Nectar
This 8’x8’ quilt brought the owner’s love for Humming Birds to a barn quilt. It is located on the family’s barn that is over 90 years old.

The Green Michel
This 8’x8’ barn quilt is the families original design and is located on a beautiful, old barn located on the farm.

Tiger Lily
This 4’x4’ barn quilt can be found on the North side of the old yellow barn on the location’s property.

Tulip Tree
Tulip Tree is a 8×8 Barn Quilt that can be located on the east end of the barn facing Muckshaw Road.

Wild Geese
This 8’x8’ barn quilt can be found mounted on the family’s barn located on the property.

Willow Creek Farm
This 4’x4’ barn quilt can be located between the home and the garage.

This 8’x8’ barn quilt can be found on the South side of the Brown Barn located at Pla-Mor Campground.